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Flower Plate-January 13th
Butter dish-January 20th
Absent-January 18th
Charm-January 30th
Mason's dream creature-January 25th
Big Cup-January 25th
Painted Charm-February 3rd
Cup-February 3rd
Stiched Slab Cup-February 15th
Bowl-February 8th
I would've made a bird-March 1st
I would've made a dog-March 1st
Both my big cups-February 22nd
Painted Cup-March 8th
Painted Bowl-March 8th
Wheel Cup-March 8th
Face Sculpture-March 13th
Red and Yellow Cup-March 24th
Spirit Animal-April 12th
Spirit animal&Lidded Box-April 14th
Lidded Box-April 19th
Dice-April 19th
Painted Lidded Box-April 24th
Painted Mexican Spirit Animal-May 5th
Spirit animal second attempt-April 21st
Painted Dice- May 3th
Mask-April 24th
Painted Mask-May 5th
Little House-May 19th
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